When Segment Anything Model Meets Food Instance Segmentation

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Example samples in FoodInsSeg

Example samples in FoodInsSeg.

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  1. The FoodInsSeg dataset is available for academic research only, commercial and any profit purposes are strictly prohibited
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The Segment Anything Model (SAM) has significantly advanced image segmentation through its exceptional zero-shot performance. However, it faces a significant limitation due to the lack of class-specific information. To address this problem, we propose to leverage the category information given by semantic datasets for SAM. In this paper, we develop a powerful tool called InsSAM-Tool, which can adequately utilize class-specific information and SAM's segmentation capabilities to efficiently label instance segmentation. Furthermore, we leverage this tool to establish a groundbreaking dataset called FoodInsSeg, which is the first food instance dataset at ingredient level. It contains a total of 7,118 food images, annotated with 103 categories and 119,048 instance masks. FoodInsSeg provides significant potential to catalyze further research into fine-grained food instance segmentation.

The distribution of food categories

The distribution of food categories. The detailed statistic data can be found at the excel file.